Tag: toronto

  • The 7th: Pusher

    The 7th: Pusher

    ARTIST: Final Decisions TITLE: “Pusher” YEAR: 1973 LABEL: Bump Shop Without a doubt in my mind, this song is sheer genius. It’s a socially conscious, hard-edged soul song that is as well suited for today as it was in the 70’s. I didn’t know anything about it until I heard it blast through the speakers…

  • The 7th: I’m Still In Love

    The 7th: I’m Still In Love

    ARTIST: Marcia Aitkens TITLE: “I’m Still In Love” YEAR: ? LABEL: Joe Gibbs I’m always looking for soul singles. Although reggae isn’t high on my radar at the moment, I do find it fitting that this 45 was in a stack of soul joints that I discovered at a local record spot last year. In…

  • CRATERY 41

    CRATERY 41

    All over the map. Definitely the best way to describe Cratery 41. British Prog. Latin libraries. And rural weirdo. Yes, rural weirdo. According to DJ Serious, that’s the lane that Canadian artist Aaron Space carved out for himself back in 1972. Kae draws for Kool and the Gang’s classic slice of heavy funk “Give it…